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Curvy Pens

Prices & Options..

Curvy pens (also known as Contour pens) look and feel like a pen twice the price.  The family comprises 8 different models, including the Standard (coloured grip and barrel), the Extra (white barrel), the Argent (silver barrel),
the Pencil (speaks for itself!), the Frost (transclucent barrel), the 'i-range (with capacitive styus - for use with i-pads, i-phones etc).


  1 colour print 2 colour print 3 colour print Full colour
250 .49 .64 .99 .89
500 .28 .35 .41  .42
1000 .22 .28 .34  .35
2500 .17 .22 .28  .29
5000 .16 .21 .27  .27

Prices include artwork, origination and delivery. Just add VAT.

*Full colour prices are for print onto a clear, white or charcoal barrel. Please ask for prices for colour print on other colours or see more details of the range of styles and colours available 

Need printing to go with your pens? Maybe business stationery, promotional flyers or presentation folders? Don't forget, we print those too! 

The Curvy/Contour is our favourite - see our product video:

Curvy Pens (Contour pens!) - free delivery to Cardiff, Swansea and the rest of the UK

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Just give us a call on 029 2034 4899 (Cardiff), 01792 386 345 (Swansea) or email for more details, prices or samples.

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